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We need to talk about ALAN: January 2023
Light Pollution Campaign

Get involved to help wildlife through reducing pollution from artificial light 

Learn about the problem

Read this blog, which explains some of the many impacts on nature of artificial light


Do a mini-audit

January in the northern hemisphere is the perfect time to take a look to see what artificial light is visible outdoors. Take a look around your home to see if any lights are visible from the outside and for how long. Check all those security lights, garden and porch lights too. You could take it further and see how things are for your street, place of work or community.  You can download an mini-audit form using this file.


Choose one place to start

Pick something that would be reasonably easy to fix to get you started. Maybe you can save money by turning off a light when you are not using it or possibly to draw the curtains whenever you have the light on?


Make it easy

Setting a timer or putting a reminder on your phone might help you to automate it or to form a new habit.


Tell people about it

Individual actions may not seem like much, but when we share what we are doing, it starts to create ripples, building social norms and raising awareness.


Build on your success

Pick another action from the list to build your impact.


Reap the rewards

As well as all the kudos you can collect, you might like to enjoy the nocturnal wildlife (all those Owls, Moths and Bats in later months) or you could get into astronomy. The darker our skies, the more stars we can see, but even in the city stars and planets are visible.

Image by Denley Photography
Light pollution mini-audit.jpg
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