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  • Writer's pictureClare Snowdon

Fun at Kew Ecofair

We had a wonderful time at Kew Ecofair on 11th March 2023, meeting local people who shared with us all they are already doing for wildlife and talking about other ideas for ways to be good Nature-connected neighbours. We talked about Hedgehogs, pollinators, Bee hotels, Moss, Frogs and Toads, creating species-rich lawns and leaving a space in the garden to grow wilder.

We had lots of children making Hoverfly lagoons and people making wildlife gardening pledges (if you would like to join them in making a pledge - please head here)

We had some mini games and challenges too - one to go and befriend a plant who might be unloved (whispers: ie called a "weed"). Another game had them deciding which actions helped wildlife and which were unhelpful and a further one to look at which foods would disappear without animal pollinators. It was really exciting seeing so many people engaged with helping wildlife, as well as all the other wonderful climate and Nature-related stands.

We were also able to give out lots of wildflower seeds, with deep gratitude to Seedball for donating them. (Incidentally, we are hoping to stock Seedball products to help fund our activities, so please get in touch if you would like to be on the list to order the Urban Meadow Seedball tins).

Our Bog Bowl attracted a lot of interest, with people inspired to create their own. You can find out how to create one here.

We were sited outside next to Dose of Nature, who are doing wonderful Nature connection wellbeing work with people in Richmond.

In the surrounding trees, Robin, Wren and Great Tit were singing loudly, helping to remind me that Nature is Executive Director and stakeholder. As an introvert, this type of activity is well outside my comfort zone - I love people, but I don't naturally step forwards and project my voice. The birds really seemed to be cheerleading and helping to me to remember that I do this work on their behalf. It helped me to find a little courage and energy. I am so glad I did. It was truly wonderful meeting such lovely people and sharing our love for wild Nature and our Human community.

I learned a great deal and a lot of people went away with ideas on ways that they can garden for wildlife. There are also quite a lot of wildflower seeds out there as a result of the generosity of Seedball and this event, who will hopefully emerge in their own right and serve a wider community of wildlife.

I am really looking forward to our next event for Earth Day with Kew the Transition on 22nd April 2023 at Pensford Field, where we will be doing a Nature connection activity and more wildlife gardening activities. You can sign up here

With grateful thanks to Charlotte and Susie and all the others behind Kew Ecofair, to Seedball and everyone who came to see us and share your wonderful love of wildlife and, of course, Nature. Not least, huge thanks to the people who are helping with our crowdfunder - you paid for the Bog Bowl plants and for the poster stands, seed envelopes and pencils. You are all helping wildlife to recover and bringing all the magic and wellbeing to the people who will enjoy watching plants and animals sharing their homes.

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